Sunday, December 31, 2017

Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

31 December 2017

Entrance What child is this
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Christmas (Paul Gibson)
Psalm 104 He, the Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Carol of the Bethlehem Cave (arr. Walker)
Eucharistic Acclamations Comfort & Joy (mtgf)
Lamb of God Christmas (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Our God has appeared (mtgf)
Communion Song of Simeon (mtgf)
Final Unto us is born a Son

The full set of Year B readings with the strong images of older people discovering new life.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Nativity of the Lord - Mass during the Day

25 December 2017

Entrance Once in royal David's city
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Christmas (Paul Gibson)
Psalm 97 All the ends of the earth (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Peace child (Bernadette Farrell)
Eucharistic Acclamations Comfort & Joy (mtgf)
Lamb of God Christmas (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon All the ends of the earth (mtgf)
Communion Away in a manger
Final O little town

The comments about last night also apply here.

And to note one of the occasions where the last line of the first reading is the response of the psalm.

Nativity of the Lord - Mass during the Night

25 December 2017

Carol Once in royal David's city
Choir Long is our winter (German)
Carol While shepherds watched
Choir Sing we the Virgin (Anon/Niles)
Carol O little town of Bethlehem

Entrance O come all ye faithful
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Christmas (Paul Gibson)
Psalm 95 Today a Saviour (Bernadette Farrell)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Profession of Faith Credo III (chant + Josquin)
Preparation of Gifts What shall we give (Catalan arr. Dean)
Eucharistic Acclamations Comfort & Joy (mtgf)
Lamb of God Christmas (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon The Word became flesh (mtgf)
Communion Night of Silence (Daniel Kantor)
Silent Night
Final Joy to the world

It had never struck me before that Baumstark's laws of historical liturgy play out in some ways at a micro level in musical choices. Firstly that at more solemn seasons the older elements have greater tenacity and secondly that change is organic (changes take place first along side then replace). At this Mass there are elements which have been the same for probably 20 years (the same would be true of the Triduum) but there are also developments - but in some ways nothing too radical. So the last carol has changed - it has usually been Hark the herald angels sing, though God rest you merry gentlemen has also been sung. Perhaps more radical is a change of Eucharistic Acclamations - but the intentions is that this not a one year change, it becomes part of the 'tradition'. Beforehand is a little more flexible and usually reflects something of the Advent Sundays but is also dependent on resources etc. This year I was very grateful to those, including visitors, who were inveigled to sing along. I have rehearsed before the advantages both to musicians and congregation of a certain familiarity - but one which always open to change

I am also aware of the possible antithesis which are those celebrations which do not seem to have settled into a familiar pattern. One example of this would be, for me, the Epiphany, where I never find the music chosen wholly right -it has not found its 'traditional' form yet. (It will be interesting seeing how the holydays move will further affect this.)

3rd Sunday of Advent

17 December 2017

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie Salve (mtgf)
Magnificat My soul rejoices (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Rorate caeli (chant)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Say to the faint of heart (mtgf)
Communion Song of God among us (Huijbers)
Final Awake, awake fling off the night

It struck me that the juxtaposition of Isaiah and the Magnificat means that when Jesus repeats the Isaiah text in Luke 4 he has been brought up by his mother to know these things - he is, in some ways, carrying out his mother's business.

4th Sunday of Advent

24 December 2017

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie Salve (mtgf)
Psalm 88 I will sing for ever (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts O child of promise (Andrew Maries)
Eucharistic Acclamations Comfort and Joy (mtgf)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Behold, a Virgin (mtgf)
Communion O holy Mary (Owen Alstott)
Final O come, O come Emmanuel

At the back of my mind for a number of years has been how can we further mark Christmas as a season musically, i.e. by having settings specific to it. We usually sing the Mass of Creation Eucharistic Acclamations from September until the beginning of January. As I have noted before this allows it to be 'embedded' as a common setting. However in the middle of December I saw how a carol we rarely sing God rest you merry gentlemen, but remains well known, could provide the basis for a set of Acclamations. I decide to introduce them on the 4th Sunday, given its proximity to Christmas this year, as they could be briefly introduced before Mass which I would be less inclined to do before Midnight - and it meant that those who came to both would have a head start. Though part of the reason for the setting is that people may feel they know them even if they have never sung them before. I do wonder about the tastefulness of such endeavours and I am sure that there are places where it would not work. However the setting is very much based on rather than the liturgical text adapted to the pre-exiting tune. The setting also received more than usual positive comments, it did enable participation and it puts a smile on people's faces

Carols by Candlelight

12 December 2017

Part 1 - Prepare a way for the Lord

EntranceYonder come day (Georgia Sea Islands Spiritual) 
Soon and very soon (Crouch) 
Opening Responses 
ReadingIsaiah 40:1–5 The prophet Isaiah tells the people of Israel to prepare a way for the Lord
Choir Zion hears the watchmen's voices (J S Bach)
HymnO come, O come Emmanuel

Part 2 - Behold the virgin will conceive

ReadingLuke 1: 26-38 St Luke tells of the Incarnation of Jesus
ChoirNo wind at the window (Irish/Bell)
CarolThe angel Gabriel

Part 2 - He shall speak peace

ReadingMicah 5:1-4 The prophet Micah looks forward to the coming reign of peace
ChoirDona nobis pacem (round)
CarolO little town of Bethlehem

Part 4 - Today is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord

ReadingLuke 2:1-14 St Luke tells of the birth of Jesus
ChoirGaudete (Piae Cantiones)
CarolSilent Night

Part 5 - The Word was made flesh and lived among us

Reading1 John 1:1–4 St John reflects on the Incarnation
ChoirVerbum caro (Rihards Dubra)
Lord's Prayer & Blessing 
CarolJoy to the world

Feedback from last year's Carol Service was that it could have been longer. So a fifth section was added to the service. Even my singers are aware, as readers of this blog must be, that I believe in recycling. So often pieces are chosen, particularly for the students which can be used used again. Not only does this make sense in terms of rehearsal but also means that thy can have a second go at it. So considering a new section the starting point was 'what have we got' - we had sung the traditional round of Dona nobis pacem on Remembrance Day and looking at the various Advent readings there was a connection between Bethlehem and peace in Micah. The one question was order. Instead of a scriptural order (OT before NT) I went for a musical order in that I think it would have been odd to have sung O little town before the Annunciation.

2nd Sunday of Advent

10 December 2017

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie Salve (mtgf)
Psalm 84 Let us see, O Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts There is a longing (Anne Quigley)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Jerusalem arise (mtgf)
Communion Winding Ways (Bill Tamblyn)
Final Come, thou long expected Jesus

The new Kyrie is based on the chant Mass for the Sundays of Advent and, for me at least, has a different form. Rather than AA, BB, CC, it is AB, CB, DB which seems to work, though I decided to change the word underlay between finishing the leaflet and finishing the setting - i.e. the congregation had something slightly different to what was sung. I think we understood the instructions on Bill Tamblyn's Winding Ways for the first time - insight taken them at face value.

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

8 December 2017

Entrance The Angel Gabriel
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels & Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 97 Sing a new song (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts No wind at the window (Irish/Bell)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels & Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Hail Holy Queen (mtgf)
Final 10,000 Reasons

This year the University Choir was joined by the 6pm Music Group for the first time in a number of years. The group is in a stronger position than it has been for a number of years - but also the membership of both groups overlaps. A general aim for this term is that both Sunday Masses share the same Mass settings so as not only to enable coming together of musicians but also as a worshipping community we have common settings.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

1st Sunday of Advent

3 December 2017

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie Salve (mtgf)
Psalm 79 God of hosts (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts There is a longing (Anne Quigley)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon The Lord will bestow (mtgf)
Communion Long is our winter (German)
Final Hark a herald voice

A new Kyrie.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

26 November 2017

Entrance The king of love my shepherd is
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 22 The Lord is my shepherd (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Christ the glory (Lalouette)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon The Lord sits as King (mtgf)
Communion Jesus, you are the bread (Bernadette Farrell)
Final Crown him with many crowns

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

19 November 2017

Entrance All people that on earth do dwell
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 127 O blessed are those (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Come my way (Vaughan Williams)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon To be near God (mtgf)
Communion Good and faithful servant (Evinson)
Final Now let us from this table rise.

As promised it was the second go at the final hymn and it will appear once again before the year is out - hopefully to embed it. The psalm was used again later in the week at the funeral of the wife of one of the community.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Remembrance Sunday

12 November 2017

Entrance Eternal rest (mtgf)
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 62 For you my soul is thirsting (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Lead kindly light (Howard Goodall)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon The Lord is my shepherd (mtgf)
Communion Zion hears the watchmen's voices (J S Bach)
Final Be thou my vision

The annual visit of the University Choir - in good numbers this year. Communion was another marking of the Luther anniversary and chosen as the cantata is based on the gospel of the wise and foolish virgins - we did the 2nd and 3rd verses. The final hymn combine ideas of wisdom and military imagery.

The University Choir had also sung at the Remembrance day service on Friday contributing Abide with meand the round Dona nobis pacem.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

5 November 2017

Entrance Will you let me be your servant
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 130 Keep my soul in peace (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts There is a longing (Anne Quigley)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon You will show me (mtgf)
Communion Loving Creator (Niles.arrr. Bell)
Final Tell out my soul

The psalm setting was originally written in 2002 when Cardinal Arinze came to Sunday Mass. I am not sure whether it was to his taste -it was written to involve both music groups. I am intrigued why we don't seem to have had the opportunity to use it since. some years would have been All Saints on this Sunday but not every one.

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

29 October 2017

Entrance Where charity and love
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 17 I love you, Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Ubi caritas (Bob Hurd)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon Christ loved us (mtgf)
Communion What does the Lord ask of you (mtgf)
Final Now let us from this table rise

Our last hymn was new to us, sing to the tune Deus tuorum militum, a tune we have not sing for long time - it is planned to reappear before the year is out.

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

22 October 2017

Entrance All my hope on God
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 95 Give the Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Christ the glory (Lalouette)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon The Son of Man has come (mtgf)
Communion Bread for the world (Bernadette Farrell)
Final O God beyond all praising

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

15 October 2017

Entrance All are welcome
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 22 I shall dwell (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts The love of the Lord (Michael Joncas)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon The rich suffer want (mtgf)
Communion One in body (Christopher Walker)
Final Thy hand, O God

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8 October 2017

Entrance Here I am, Lord
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 79 The vineyard of the Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Servant King (Kendrick)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon The Lord is good (mtgf)
Communion We have been told (David Haas)
Final Love divine

Vines & sending

Sunday, October 1, 2017

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 October 2017

Entrance Lord Jesus Christ
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 24 Remember your mercy (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts May we have the mind of Christ (Marty Haugen)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon By this we came to know (mtgf)
Communion Lead me, Lord (SS Wesley)
Final The kingdom of God

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

24 September 2017

Entrance For the fruits of all creation
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 144 The Lord is close (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts No longer I (Bob Hurd)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon I am the good Shepherd (mtgf)
Communion Ave verum (Elgar)
Final Tell out my soul

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

17 September 2017

Entrance There's a wideness in God's mercy
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 102 The Lord is compassion and love (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Thy mercy, Jehovah (O Lord God) (Marcello)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon How precious is your mercy (mtgf)
Communion Now we remain (David Haas)
Final God is love, his the care

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

10 September 2017

Entrance Gather us in
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 94 O that today (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon I am the light (mtgf)
Communion Love one another (mtgf)
Final For the healing of the nations

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

3 September 2017

Entrance Christ is made the sure foundation
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 62 For you my soul (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Your love is finer (Marty Haugen)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Antiphon How great is the goodness (mtgf)
Communion ()
Final He who would valiant be

Monday, August 28, 2017

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

27 August 2017

Entrance Christ is made the sure foundation
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 137 Your love, O Lord, is eternal (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts We walk by faith (Mary Haugen)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Whoever eats my flesh (mtgf)
Communion He became poor (John Bell)
Final Thy hand, O God, has guided

We have not sung he became poor for a while - we chant verses using Philippians 2 (His stat was divine) between each repetition. I tried to work out how we might sing Ein feste Burg this morning - I have a preference for the original rhythms which make it trickier but also more lively - watch this space.

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

20 August 2017

Entrance All people that on earth do dwell
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 66 Le the peoples praise you (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Healer of our every ill (Marty Haugen)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon With the Lord (mtgf)
Communion The cry of the poor (John Foley)
Final Praise we our God with joy.
At the Icon of BVM Ave Maris Stella

One of my (post-Conciliar) childhood memories is that the Old Hundredth and Nun Danket seem to be the default hymns for beginning and ending Mass - sung from the Parish Hymnbook.

We had a 50 year reunion group in this morning (so a little older than my childhood memories) and their organiser always requests Ave Maris Stella for the end of Mass and we always suggest that it sung around the icon of Mary given to the University by Benedict XVI as way of having a focus for the hymn and connecting old and new.

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

13 August 2017

Entrance Lead us, heavenly Father
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 84 Let us see, O Lord, your mercy (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts As if you were not there (John Bell)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon The bread that I will give (mtgf)
Communion Centre of my life (Paul Inwood)
Final O worship the king

I was away at a Conference in Belgium. At Sunday Mass in the main church we were treated to the early music group Currende singing Arcadelt and others and broadcast on Belgian Radio 1.

Transfiguration of the Lord

6 August 2017

Entrance Christ be our light
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm The Lord is king (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Eye has not seen (Marty Haugen)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon When Christ appears (mtgf)
Communion Transfigure us, O Lord (Bob Hurd)
Final Be still for the presence of the Lord

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

30 July 2017

Entrance Christ be beside me
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 18 Lord, how I love your law (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts The love of the Lord (Michael Joncas)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Bless the Lord (mtgf)
Communion One in Body (Christopher Walker)
Final Lord of all hopefulness

An unplanned Irish melodic strain featured this morning.

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

23 July 2017

Entrance There's a wideness in God's mercy
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 85 O Lord, you are good and forgiving (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts The Spirit comes to us (mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Behold I stand at the door (mtgf)
Communion O sacrum convivium (Helen Murphy)
Final The kingdom of God

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

16 July 2017

Entrance Unless a grain
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 64 Some seed (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Parable (M D Ridge)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Whoever eats my flesh (mtgf)
Communion We have been told (David Haas)
Final Love divine

Perhaps because eI spent quite a bit of time in the previous week considering the translation of this psalm response, a new setting emerged. It was naughty in a couple of ways. I do a single leaflet for July and therefore there was different music for the response (how many noted this?). I also decided that the response would be a tone higher each time (the growing metaphor I presume). This was compromised by a different tone for the 3 line verse and not modulating - this meant it did not go too high.

The psalm response is not taken from the psalm, as is usually the case, but from Luke's Gospel. In this country we are used to the principle that the response is taken from the scripture (which is not a principle followed elsewhere). If the scripture version is changing how does this affect the response? One of the particular questions is why Luke? when the Gospel this Sunday is Matthew (it is the parallel text). Secondly the response is not a direct quotation but an adaptation because in Luke's account it does not just produce its crop but does s a hundredfold.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9 July 2017

Entrance I heard the voice of Jesus say
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 144 I will bless your name (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Like a child rests (Christopher Walker)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Come to me (mtgf)
Communion As the deer longs (Bob Hurd)
Final Forth in thy name

Sunday, July 2, 2017

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 July 2017

Entrance All are welcome
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 88 I will sing for ever (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Neither death nor life (mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Bless the Lord (mtgf)
Communion Centre of my life (Paul Inwood)
Final Will you come and follow me

Another go at the more streamlined setting of Romans 6. Looking back to 3 years ago I then noted it was 3 years since we had begun singing new settings (so now 6). I wondered then how long we might continue with the Missal Acclamations. My ambivalence to them continues: not convinced at an aesthetic level; recognising their functional success. Or to put it aonther way - people sing them and they do suit this period when we can be down to just singer on a Sunday.

A different matter — how does this Sunday's psalm fit in the Liruegy of the Word?

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

25 June 2017

Entrance All that is hidden
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 68 (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Neither death nor life (mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon I am the Good Shepherd (mtgf)
Communion Do not be afraid (David Haas)
Final He who would valiant be

One think you learn with a choir is that different people mark up their music in different ways - the circling of a difficult note, the reminder of a wider interval. I tend to only write on my on scores and note possible edits. Neither death nor life had a number of possible amendments to the text of the verses and this inspired taking it home and reqorking the text so that it was far more regular from verse to verse.

Psalm 68 is one of few times we get a psalm of lament on a Sunday - and it is a rare appearance.

The Body & Blood of the Lord

18 June 2017

Entrance My God and is thy table spread
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 147 O praise the Lord, Jerusalem (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Love bade me welcome (Vaughan Williams)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Whoever eats my flesh (mtgf)
Communion Take and eat (Michael Joncas)
Final Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Most Holy Trinity

11 June 2017

Entrance I bind unto myself
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm - Dan 3 To you, glory and praise (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Hymn of the Cherubim (Anon)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Since you are children of God (mtgf)
Communion God beyond all names (Bernadette Farrell)
Final Holy is God

After the previous Sunday, relatively straightforward. I bind myself was I suspect new to many. Having been replaced the previous week I decided on Holy is God at the end.

Pentecost Sunday

4 June 2017

Opening Veni Sancte Spiritus (Walker)
Reading Ezekiel 37:1–14
Response Give us, Lord, a new heart (Farrell)
Song Veni Creator Spiritus (Chant)
Reading Joel 3:1–5
Response Spirit of God (Farrell)
Entrance Come down, O love divine
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 103 Send forth your spirit (mtgf)
Sequence & Gospel Accl Pentecost Sequence (Hurd)
Preparation of Gifts The Spirit comes to us in our weakness (mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon They were all filled (mtgf)
Communion There is one Lord (Alstott)
Final Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll/Walker)

Unusual circumstances this Sunday. At 10.25 a message came from security that the chaplain would be between 30-45 minutes late. I was correct in my guess that the supply priest for the Mass in the parish at 10.30 failed to turn up. Looking back we were in some ways lucky it was Pentecost Sunday as it meant we could easily use some the vigil readings - I asked the reading to look at the 3rd and 4th and went from there. We have a history of singing Chris Walker's Veni Sancte Spiritus for long periods so it was an obvious place to start — though I though the full 30 minutes might be a bit much. There was some thinking on our feet — Give us, Lord was only thought of during the Ezekiel reading. By 11.30 I had thought we had probably 'vigilled' long enough and guess that the chaplain would be with us by the Gospel we began Mass; he arrived during the psalm - so I could give a quick report and suggest there was still a sequence to catch one's breath.

We tried a different Sequence setting this year. I had come across Bob Hurd's setting while preparing for a music day recently. Its appeal was that it used the same o filli et filliae Alleluia refrain as our Easter Sequence so made a nice seasonal bookend. It also had the bright idea of including the Gospel Acclamation verse. In the end I was not sure — I think its faux-medievalism lack melodic character at the end of the day.

The final hymn changed a number of times. In my list it was going to be Lord, you give the great commission but before Mass I had decided that would be too much. it then became Holy is God as a seasonal marker and something shorter. In the end I decided to have just the Celtic Alleluia as a swift ending — people had been there approaching 90 minutes — it seemed to be one of the congregation's most forthright sings!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Ascension of the Lord

28 May 2017

Entrance Crown him with many crowns
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 46 Our God goes up (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Christ the Glory (Lalouette)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Behold, I am with you (mtgf)
Communion Alleluia Hymn (Russian arr. mtgf)
Final Alleluia, sing to Jesus

6th Sunday of Easter

21 May 2017

Entrance Christ is alive
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 65 Cry out with joy (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Let nothing trouble you (Bernadette Farrell)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon If you love me (mtgf)
Communion We have been told (David Haas)
Final Go to the world

A solo cantor this morning.

I was away at a Conference in Hungary. It is always dangerours to draw the general from the specific but I was interested in a country's minimum liturgical/musical standard. So though we had for our Masses a singer and organist from the local cathedral we managed Kyrie, Sanctus & Agnus from Mass XVIII and little else. For example in Mass with the bishop the doxology was said. Admittedly our unfamiliarity with Hungarian was a possible issue - but the group is usually game to have a go and will happily sing a Taizé chant.

5th Sunday of Easter

14 May 2017

Entrance Christ is the world's light
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 32 May your love (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Come my way (Vaughan Williams)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon I am the true vine (mtgf)
Communion Take and eat (Michael Joncas)
Final God is love

4th Sunday of Easter

7 May 2017

Entrance At the Lamb's high feast
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 22 The Lord is my shepherd (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Ours were the griefs (Stephen Dean)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon The Good Shepherd (mtgf)
Communion Shepherd me, O God (Marty Haugen)
Final Hail Redeemer

3rd Sunday of Easter

30 April 2017

Entrance We walk by faith
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 15 Show us, Lord, the path of life (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts On the journey to Emmaus ()
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon The disciples recognised (mtgf)
Communion (Bernadette Farrell)
Final Sing of one who walks beside us

Today is a rare example where the psalm is extensively quoted in the first reading.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

2nd Sunday of Easter

23 April 2017

Entrance Godhead here in hiding
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 117 Give thanks to the Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Now we remain (David Haas)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Bring your hand (mtgf)
Communion Christ our peace (Marty Haugen)
Final This joyful Eastertide

Easter Day

16 April 2017

Entrance Jesus Christ is risen today
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 117 This day was made by the Lord (mtgf)
Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes (arr. mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Rise heart (Easter) (Vaughan Williams)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Christ our passover (mtgf)
Communion I have seen the Lord ()Bob Hurd)
Final Thine be the glory

I was doing a workshop on limited musical resources which is quite an opaque phrase. I decided in the end it is about musical confidence rather than numbers. This morning there was just three of us - so various thing I had planned were put to one side. In act of musical confidence, which I am not sure the performance wholly bore out, I offered the first of Vaughan Williams 5 Mystical Songs.

Easter Vigil

15 April 2017

Psalm 103Send forth your spirit (mtgf)
Psalm 15Preserve me, God (Christopher Walker)
Exodus 15I will sing to the Lord (mtgf)
Psalm 29I will praise you, Lord (Paul Inwood)
Psalm 41-42As the deer longs (Palestrina/Bridge)
GloriaWisdom (Steven Janco)
Gospel AcclamationCeltic Alleluia (O'Carroll/Walker)
Baptismal LiturgySprings of water (mtgf)
Preparation of GiftsFor peace (Antoine Oomen)
Eucharistic AcclamationsWisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of GodLux et origo (mtgf)
Communion AntiphonChrist our Passover
Communion Sicut cervus (Palestrina)
FinalHoly is God (Paul Inwood)

I always enjoy the staginess of the Vigil. This includes the time beforehand when all the lights are on, ministers are preparing and people are arriving. Shortly we will be go into the night and capture the flame for the Easter Candle.

This probably is our model set of music for recent years with a variation of psalm. The one change was the use of the Missal 'The light of Christ' at the beginning. For many years we have used Taizé "The Lord is my light' and reason for that was a deacon who could not sing. It one advantage is that it does accompany the liturgical action with music and leads to the Exsulte.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Good Friday

14 April 2017

Psalm 30 Father, into your hands (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Adoration of the CrossReproaches (Peter Jones)
O vos omnes (Victoria)
CommunionO Crux ave (Rihards Dubra)
When I survey the wondrous cross

The list above does not always include everything which is sung, for example, the procession with the cross was sung to the simple Missal tone. We also sing a short acclamation during the Passion readings on Sunday and today. I think this a better option than the congregation being the crowd (which seems to me a false-participation). I also think that a short acclamation is better than a hymn for three reasons: it should be short and not stop the narrative, just punctuate it; ideally it should be something people know so that they can participate by heart, thirdly most hymns are general passion rather than specific to the narrative. For a number of years we have used John Bell's Behold the Lamb of God for both Sunday and Friday. I have been aware that John's Passion has a different emphasis and wanted to reflect this in the acclamation. This year we tried my For God so loved the world — a Johannine text.

I commented earlier in Lent about the desirability of a hymn as an authentic mode of participation.

Maundy Thursday

13 April 2017

Entrance For God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 115 The blessing cup (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Washing of the Feet Faith, hope & love (Christpher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts I give to you a new commandment (Peter Nardone)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of God Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion Antiphon This is the body (mtgf)
Communion Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
Procession Pange lingua (Ricky Manalo)
Watching Tantum ergo (chant)
Stay with me (Taizé)

I think we (I?) have reconciled ourselves to less music - e.g. at Communion and in the crypt. It definitely flows more easily without that feeling that once we finish this piece the next will start immediately.

We had done the Nardone anthem on Maundy Thursday before. We have used it this term with the University choir and so it was good to place the chant of Ubi Caritas in its proper place. As I have probably said before it is a simple but effective piece - in some ways just the same melody sung three times but with enough variation and satisfaction for the singers.

We tried a different arrangement of singers for the Pange Lingua chant. It always involves a certain logistical planning with some singers heading for the crypt ahead of the procession and some staying with the procession upstairs and then making our way by a different route to regather with the singers in the crypt. What was apparent this year was that the congregation had taken up Ricky Manalos (lush) chant. I am not sure how long we have sung it (since 2010 and I note that in 2011/12 people seem to be picking it up well!)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

9 April 2017

Antiphon Hosanna to the Son of David (mtgf)
Procession Hosanna (Paul Inwood)
Psalm 21 My God, my God (Chrosyopher Walker)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Ours were the greifs (Stephen Dean)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of God Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion Antiphon Father, if this chalice (mtgf)
Communion Christus factus est (Anerio)
Final My song is love unknown

Last year, I was away for Palm Sunday so this was the first time I had experienced the procession. We have a natural gathering point and route - from what was originally one of Walpole's follies - the Chapel in the Woods across the piazza to the chapel. We began with the choir singing the opening antiphon. For the procession we continued our use of the Hosanna from the Gathering Mass and I written a psalm tine from verses from Psalm 24. It seemed to work well, my one thought was that the harmony on the Hosannas might have been better left until we had entered the chapel.

5th Sunday of Lent

2 April 2017

Entrance For God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Psalm 129 With the Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Miserere (Rihards Dubra)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of God Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion Antiphon Everyone who lives (mtgf)
Communion I am the Resurrection (Bob Hurd)
Final Gift of love

We were joined by 70 local Catenians this morning. Though they participated with vigour it made one take a step back and reflect on how much might be unfamiliar to them. I am not sure what might our common repertoire be - especially as I would consider that the local Lenten journey through the Sundays has precedence. but that said it also highlights what seems to me to a problem with those who are broadly 'anti-hymn' in the liturgy. It seems to me that however 'liturgical' the rest there is the need for a good sing which a hymn provides. I am writing this on the evening of Good Friday and I think an important moment in that liturgy is the communal singing of When I survey after Communion - a gift to us from the non-conformist tradition.

The piece by Richards Dubra had been sung by the University Choir in Leeds. It is good to find place for such pieces in our worship. Today because it climaxes on 'and live' - which seemed a command to Lazarus.

4th Sunday of Lent

26 March 2017

Entrance For God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Psalm 22 The Lord is my shepherd (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts ()
Eucharistic Acclamations Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of God Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion Antiphon The Lord anointed my eyes. (mtgf)

By some mysterious chance all the singers were away this weekend and so our accompanist once again stepped into the breach as cantor

3rd Sunday of Lent

19 March 2017

Entrance For God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Psalm 94 O that today (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Your love is finer (Marty Haugen)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of God Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion Antiphon For anyone who drinks it (mtgf)
Communion O God, you search me (Berndatte Farrell)
Final Glorious things of you are spoken

What has been a feature of this Lent has been some unfamiliar or new hymns to us. Glorious things picked up ideas of the rock and the streams of living water.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

2nd Sunday of Lent

12 March 2017

Entrance For God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Psalm 32 May your love (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Open our eyes, Lord (Ronald Corp)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of God Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion Antiphon This is my beloved Son (mtgf)
Communion Transfigure us, O Lord (Bob Hurd)
Final Christ is the world's light

Back to normal this week. The motet at the preparation was mentioned by our member -so I got some copies. I am aware that much of what we sing is unfamiliar to her so it was good to have something where she was more familiar than the rest of use. It is effective a hymn anthem with a number of verses presented in a variety of ways and keys. The last hymn was also new to us. It is the advantage of planners that they can draw you attention to something you had not considered before. I thought it fitted the day well.

1st Sunday of Lent

5 March 2017

Entrance For God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Psalm 50 Have mercy on me, God (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Lenten (mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Scapulis suis ()
Eucharistic Acclamations Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of God Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion Antiphon One does not live (mtgf)
Final Giode me, O thou great Redeemer

The choir was away this weekend at the Cathedral Group Choirs festival in Leeds. It is shame that it fell on the 1st Sunday of Lent but our organist was cantor and started the season well.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

26 February 2017

Entrance All my hope on God is founded
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Newman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 61 Only is God (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Like a child rests (Christopher Walker)
Eucharistic Acclamations Bede (mtgf)
Lamb of God Newman (James MacMillan)
Communion Antiphon Behold I am with you (mtgf)
Communion Centre of my life (Paul Inwood)
Final Holy is God (Paul Inwood)

Sunday, February 19, 2017

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

19 February 2017

Entrance Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Newman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 102 The Lord is compassion and love (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Not for tongues (Michael Joncas)
Eucharistic Acclamations Bede (mtgf)
Lamb of God Newman (James MacMillan)
Communion Antiphon I will recount (mtgf)
Communion Love one another (mtgf)
Final Praise my soul

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

12 February 2017

Entrance Your words are spirit and life (Farrell)
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Newman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 118 They are happy (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts O most high and glorious God (Randall DeBruyn)
Eucharistic Acclamations Bede (mtgf)
Lamb of God Newman (James MacMillan)
Communion Antiphon They ate and had ther fill (mtgf)
Communion God so loved the world (Stainer)
Final Praise the Lord, ye heavens

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5 February 2017

Entrance Christ be our light
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Newman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 111 Good people are a light (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Lead me, Lord (Wesley)
Eucharistic Acclamations Bede (mtgf)
Lamb of God Newman (James MacMillan)
Communion Antiphon Blessed are those who mourn (mtgf)
Communion Bread for the world (Christopher Walker)
Final The kingdom of God

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

29 January 2017

Entrance Blest are the pure in heart
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Newman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 145 How happy are the poor (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts I hear your voice (Christopher Walker)
Eucharistic Acclamations Bede (mtgf)
Lamb of God Newman (James MacMillan)
Communion Antiphon Blessed are the poor (mtgf)
Communion What does the Lord require (mtgf)
Final Forth in thy name

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

22 January 2017

Entrance All that is hidden
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Newman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 26 The Lord is my light (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts As the deer (Bob Hurd)
Eucharistic Acclamations Bede (mtgf)
Lamb of God Newman (James MacMillan)
Communion Antiphon I am the light (mtgf)
Communion ()
Final Out of darkness

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

15 January 2017

Entrance God whose almighty word
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Newman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 39 Here I am, Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts O child of promise (Andrew Maries)
Eucharistic Acclamations Bede (mtgf)
Lamb of God Newman (James MacMillan)
Communion Antiphon You have prepared (mtgf)
Communion Behold the Lmab of God (Martin Willett)
Final Blest be the Lord - Benedictus

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Epiphany of the Lord

8 January 2017

Entrance Bethlehem of noblest cities
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Christmas (Paul Gibson)
Psalm 71 O Lord, all the earth (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Carol at Bethlehem Cave (Spanish arr. Walker)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Christmas (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon We saw his star (mtgf)
Communion Bethlehem Down (Warlock)
Final We three kings

People have their favourite Christmas music and their can even jealousy about whose favourite is sung or not — not necessarily in a bad way but I suppose another factor in the choices we make. I think it's a legitimate wish but it also balanced with the dislikes. Christmas music can engender the emotions.

Mary, Mother of God

1 January 2017

Entrance A noble flower of Juda
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
[Gloria Christmas (Paul Gibson)]
Psalm 66 O God, be gracious (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts O holy Mary (Alstott)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Christmas (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Jesus Christ, yesterday (mtgf)
Communion I saw a maiden (Pettman)
Final See amid the winter's snow

A first for the first hymn, one I have wished to do for a while. Unfortunately we had forgotten to put the hymn board up so though I announced the hymn and the number people did not have any visual information, alas.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Nativity of the Lord - Mass during the Day

25 December 2016

Entrance Once in royal David's city
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Christmas Gloria (Paul Gibson)
Psalm 97 All the ends of the earth (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Sing we the virgin Mary (arr. mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Christmas (Ebeling arr.mtgf)
Communion Antiphon All the ends (mtgf)
Communion Infant lowly (Polish arr, Willcocks)
Away in a manger
Final O little town of Bethlehem

Monday, January 9, 2017

Nativity of the Lord - Mass during the Night

25 December 2016

Choir Hodie Christus natus est I (Rihards Dubra)
Carol Once in royal David's city
Choir Angelus ad virginem (arr. mtgf)
Carol While shepherds watched
Choir O holy night (Adaml)
Carol O little town of Bethlehem
Choir Peace Child (Bernadette Farrell)

Entrance O come all ye faithful
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Christmas (Paul Gibson)
Psalm 95 Today a Saviour has been born (Bernadette Farrell)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Profession of Faith Credo III -
Et incarnatus (Josquin)
Preparation of Gifts What shall we give (Catalan arr. Dean)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Christmas (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon The Word became flesh (mtgf)
Communion Night of Silence/ Silent Night (Daniel Kantor)
Final Hark the herald angels

Not a time for innovation (ironic given the nature of the feast) the significant departure was at the beginning with a short choral acclamation by Dubra.

4th Sunday of Advent

18 December 2016

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie 'Orbis factor'
Psalm 23 Let the Lord enter (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (adp. mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts No wind at the window (John Bell)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Behold a virgin shall conceive (mtgf)
Communion O holy Mary (Alstott)
Final O come, O come Emmanuel