Sunday, April 23, 2017

Easter Vigil

15 April 2017

Psalm 103Send forth your spirit (mtgf)
Psalm 15Preserve me, God (Christopher Walker)
Exodus 15I will sing to the Lord (mtgf)
Psalm 29I will praise you, Lord (Paul Inwood)
Psalm 41-42As the deer longs (Palestrina/Bridge)
GloriaWisdom (Steven Janco)
Gospel AcclamationCeltic Alleluia (O'Carroll/Walker)
Baptismal LiturgySprings of water (mtgf)
Preparation of GiftsFor peace (Antoine Oomen)
Eucharistic AcclamationsWisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of GodLux et origo (mtgf)
Communion AntiphonChrist our Passover
Communion Sicut cervus (Palestrina)
FinalHoly is God (Paul Inwood)

I always enjoy the staginess of the Vigil. This includes the time beforehand when all the lights are on, ministers are preparing and people are arriving. Shortly we will be go into the night and capture the flame for the Easter Candle.

This probably is our model set of music for recent years with a variation of psalm. The one change was the use of the Missal 'The light of Christ' at the beginning. For many years we have used Taizé "The Lord is my light' and reason for that was a deacon who could not sing. It one advantage is that it does accompany the liturgical action with music and leads to the Exsulte.

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