Sunday, April 19, 2015

3rd Sunday of Easter

19 April 2015

EntranceWe walk by faith
Penitential RiteLux et origo (mtgf)
GloriaMass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 4Lift up the light (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationCeltic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of GiftsBehold the Lamb (Martin Willett)
Eucharistic AcclamationsMass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of GodLux et origo (mtgf)
Communion AntiphonThe Christ had to suffer (mtgf)
CommunionI received the living God (Anon arr. Proulx)
FinalSing to the world

Today in terms of planning was one of those when different pieces could go in a number of places and it was about what was new, what was known and what might fit where. I think today was the first time that we used Marty Haugen's tune Shanti when we have used We walk by faith as a congregational hymn. It was definitely the first time, at least for a very long time, we had used Sing to the world. It is one of those titles I glance at but today it was recalled. This was the new piece therefore that once place helped shape the rest. In fact the majority of the musicians had sung it before - and yes, a long time ago.

2nd Sunday of Easter

12 April 2015

EntranceYe sons and daughters
Penitential RiteLux et origo (mtgf)
GloriaMass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 117Give thanks to the Lord (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationCeltic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of GiftsChristo resurgenti (Couperin)
Eucharistic AcclamationsMass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of GodLux et origo (mtgf)
Communion AntiphonBring your hands (mtgf)
CommunionChrist our peace (Marty Haugen)
FinalThis joyful Eastertide

We were all a bit sleepy this morning. I announced the first hymn as starting at the 4th verse and then attempted to start at the 4th verse rather than the refrain…

Christo resurgenti was a hangover from Easter Sunday when we didn't do it. Christ our peace was a reflection on Jesus' Easter greeting 'Peace be with you' - though I realised the phrase 'you break down the walls' was in some way a comment on the gospel. It is a very rich gospel, we hear it in each cycle, it would be a shame if it were reduced to divine mercy. A picture appeared and a rather un-Roman prayer read out at the end of Mass. I had quickly scanned the document on the Holy Year that morning and my impression was that Frances hardly mentions Divine mercy rather offers a more trinitarian economy of mercy with the Father as the true source.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Day

5 April 2015

EntranceJesus Christ is risen today
Penitential RiteLux et origo (mtgf)
GloriaMass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 117This is the day (Haugen)
Gospel Acclamation/SequenceVictimae Paschali (mtgf)
Preparation of GiftsChrist the glory (Lallouette)
Eucharistic AcclamationsMass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of GodLux et origo (mtgf)
Communion AntiphonChrist our passover (mtgf)
CommunionI have seen the Lord (Bob Hurd)
FinalThine be the glory

In contrast to the previous 3 days Easter Sunday morning was packed - such that we ran out of Mass leaflets. I have suggested before, that at least in my local experience, Easter Sunday, as opposed to Good Friday, has become a day when people go to church.

Musically we were were 2 singers and accompaniment - and those present were not in peak condition following the Vigil! This meant a change to what was planned but we mustered some energy and Easter joy. The next task is to make a note of things to remember for next year.

Easter Vigil

4 April 2015

The Lord is my light (Taizé)


Psalm 103
Send forth your spirit (mtgf)

Psalm 15
Preserve me, God (Christopher Walker)

Exodus 15
I will sing to the Lord (mtgf)

Isaiah 12
With joy you will draw water (mtgf)

Psalm 41-42
As the deer longs (Palestrina/Bridge)

Wisdom (Steven Janco)

Gospel Acclamation
Celtic Alleluia (O'Carroll/Walker)

Baptismal Liturgy
Springs of water (mtgf)

Preparation of Gifts
For peace (Antoine Oomen)

Eucharistic Acclamations
Wisdom (Steven Janco)

Lamb of God
Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion AntiphonChrist our Passover

Sicut Cervus (Palestrina)

Out of Darkness (Christopher Walker)

For variety one reading was changed and hence the psalm. To my mind, if you are not going to have all 7 readings, 1, 2, 3 and 7 always feel essential and then it is a choice between 4, 5, and 6. I suspect that it is the attraction of three stories and a vision. It may be shaped by a phrase I find inadequate 'Salvation history' partly because it sounds both past and abstract — rather than the story of God's saving relationship with people which, when their are baptisms, continues to this day

Our soprano could not be with us which meant that some pieces did not have their full sparkle, and to whom the psalms were allocated was shifted but in the end it only affected one choice which was to revert to the Celtic Alleluia.

Good Friday

3 April 2015

Psalm 30Father, into your hands (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationLenten (mtgf)
Adoration of the CrossAs Moses lifted up the serpent (Bairstow)
Reproaches (Peter Jones)
Christus factus est (Anton Bruckner)
CommunionO Crux ave (Rihards Dubra)
When I survey the wondrous cross

I wanted to repeat the Bairstow piece which leads into the text God so loved the world — bringing some Johannine glory into the music. Actually I think the Bruckner and the Dubra reflect this as well - in different ways.

Maundy Thursday

2 April 2015

EntranceFor God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential RiteUbi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
GloriaMass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 115The blessing cup (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationLenten (mtgf)
Washing of the FeetFaith, hope and love (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of GiftsUbi Caritas (Duruflé)
Eucharistic AcclamationsUbi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of GodUbi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion AntiphonThis is the Body (mtgf)
CommunionAve verum Corpus (Byrd)
ProcessionPange lingua (Ricky Manalo)
Tantum ergo (chant)
WatchingStay with me (Taizé)

Small changes as ever. New things, some changed after a year, some much longer. A new psalm setting, simpler. We reverted back to Faith, hope and love (and noted for the first time discrepancies between printed copies). Duruflé Ubi Caritas, a first for us (or at least for a very long time). I wonder if the congregation registered it as similar or different to the Eucharistic Acclamations. The final change was an omission was not to have a choir piece at the beginning of the Watching. It partly relates to the too many pieces, too little time and could possibly seem an indulgence. Also the practicalities of singing in the crypt, not a resonant acoustic with the choir despite best efforts sometimes strung out.

Two non-musical aspects of this and the following celebrations also struck me. Our numbers were lower than usual - over all the Triduum. There could be many reasons for this, including weather. I suspect there is a discontinuity between Sundays and the Triduum - at its simplest nobody on a Sunday invited/reminded people to take part. Sunday Mass numbers are also changing with seemingly more attending the morning Mass.

The other aspect was theatrical or 'set design'. People often get nervous when you use such words but what I particularly mean is how do you lay out the sanctuary so that the principle elements are in focus at the right time and so that the liturgical action can be carried out with ease and dignity. This becomes most obvious when, to my mind, when elements aren't right. I am not sure if our much vaunted visual culture (and the ability to read it) is switched off when we come to liturgy or the desire to follow the rubrics can mean one loses sight of the whole. To give an example where do you place the Paschal Candle? the Missal says either by the Ambo or in the middle of the Sanctuary. The latter (which is slightly ambiguous) says, I think, the Candle is significant in its own right (part of the ambiguity is in front of or behind the altar) - the light illumines the whole Church. By the Ambo suggests that by the light of Christ we read the scriptures. And for us who don't have full illumination for the readings it can be a real source of light. This year rather than beside we placed it directly in front - this may sound as though it might block the reader or the psalmist but the set designer will know that this will effect hardly anyone.

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

29 March 2015

EntranceHosanna (Paul Inwood)
Psalm 21My God, my God (Christopher Walker)
Gospel AcclamationLenten (mtgf)
Preparation of GiftsOurs were the griefs (Stephen Dean)
Eucharistic AcclamationsMissa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Lamb of GodMissa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Communion AntiphonFather, if this cup (Stephen Dean)
CommunionChristus factus est (Anerio)
FinalMy song is love unknown

By request I changed the communion antiphon to see Stephen Dean's setting which we have not sung for a number of years with its grinding chromaticism. One of the challenges of Holy Week more than any other time of year is all the music you could sing and making choices and fitting in. The danger as I think was the case here, and later on Good Friday, was that there may be time but that does not mean there will be space - that is enough time so that each piece has its space and it does not seem like a continuous soundtrack of music.