Sunday, February 16, 2014

6th Sunday on Ordinary Time


EntranceYour words are spirit (Bernadette Farrell)
Penitential RiteSt Gabriel (mtgf)
GloriaNewman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 118They are happy (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationAlleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of GiftsEye has not seen (Marty Haugen)
Eucharistic AcclamationsSt Annes (James MacMillan)
Lamb of GodNewman (James MacMillan)
Communion AntiphonThey ate and had their fill (mtgf)
CommunionIn perfect charity (Randall DeBruyn)
FinalLord of Creation

Though the Entrance Psalm picked up the idea of God's law the rest of the choices reflected the Second reading more.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9 February 2014

EntranceChrist be our light
GloriaNewman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 111Good people are a light (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationAlleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of GiftsWhat does the Lord require (mtgf)
Eucharistic AcclamationsSt Annes (James MacMillan)
Lamb of GodNewman (James MacMillan)
Communion AntiphonBlessed are those who mourn (mtgf)
CommunionBread for the world (Christopher Walker)
FinalThe kingdom of God

Light, light, light — again.

When the reform of the liturgy was happening one of the first parts which had to be revised was the Calendar and I am slightly surprised that the Presentation of the Lord 'knocked out' the Beatitudes - as my impression is that generally celebrations which take the place of Sundays don't interrupt the flow of the readings.

We did sing the Beatitudes. They form the verses of What does the Lord require? and we tried a new version with more melodic verses.

We had a Baptism this morning at Mass which we have had not had for a long time. Even so some things do not change as we only discovered before Mass that it was taking place. If nothing else to would nice to include it in the Mass leaflet and invite people to remember and pray for the child.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thanksgiving for University Title

5 February 2013

EntranceAs a fire
CanticleMy soul rejoices (Owen Alstott)
ReflectionAve Maria (Chris Rolinson)
Final HymnO God beyond all praising

We are now St Mary's University and on Wednesday there was a short service of thanksgiving in the Chapel. The University Choir (as they are now known) came and with a trumpet, the organ and member of staff sang the Rolinson. The final hymn we use for graduations but it indicated the need to find things that people would sing. In preparing for a service for a mixed group of staff, students, governors and beyond from a variety of backgrounds the best you can do, I think, is pick melodies that people know with appropriate words. So the final hymn was Thaxted and the first (we are learners, we are teachers) was sung to Ode to Joy.

Presentation of the Lord

2 February 2014

EntranceThe Lord is my light (Taizé)
ProcessionChrist is the light (Stephen Dean)
GloriaNewman (James MacMillan)
Psalm 23Who is the king of glory? (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationAlleluia Beati (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of GiftsO nata lux (Tallis)
Eucharistic AcclamationsSt Annes (James MacMillan)
Lamb of GodNewman (James MacMillan)
Communion AntiphonMy eyes have seen your salvation (mtgf)
CommunionSong of Simeon (mtgf)
FinalOut of darkness (Christopher Walker

It is a long time since we celebrated Candlemas on a Sunday — I am not sure what we did last time. What is striking is that is the final ripple of the Christmas season or cycle of feasts but ritually it looks forward to Easter. Our procession was physically the same as the Procession with Palms and our opening chant is repeated at the Easter Vigil. On practical note with the weather and lights off in the chapel we had an effective gloom for candles at 11am.

We were going to sing The Lord is now about to enter the temple by Gouzes. It is one of those pieces that stares out from Laudate but I changed it to the Tallis. We did it in an English version which had 3 verses only the second of which was explicit about the Transfiguration and so was omitted.

As promised last week we repeated Out of Darkness this time as a final hymn. I told people why - that I intended to use it at Easter and they seemed to sing it.