Sunday, September 5, 2010

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

5 September 2010

EntranceAll that is hidden (Bernadette Farrell)
Penitential RiteSt Gabriel (mtgf)
GloriaSt Gabriel (mtgf)
Psalm 90O Lord, you have been our refuge (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationAlleluia (Murray)
Preparation of GiftsThe love of the Lord (Michael Joncas)
Eucharistic AcclamationsCreation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of GodSt Gabriel (mtgf)
CommunionRestless is the heart (Bernadette Farrell)
FinalBe thou my vision

When All that is hidden was new it seemed to me at least a piece that excited me but doubted that congregations would 'get'. One of choir speaks about trying to introduce it at the time and the group wishing to resolve the final chord — one of the strengths of the piece. The melody of the refrain requires a level of commitment from the congregation for it actually to work. I know that when I have introduced I have said that it may not seem immediately attractive but give it time. Well we have and it seems to have taken root. I think I recall Bernadette saying at the time of composition she thought it too American for here.

We have a regular group who come to Mass from the nearby Roy Kinnear Home which provides care for people with severe learning and physical disabilities. Today we prayed for a member who died a year ago. As often is the case we learnt this late in the day and in some ways I am not sure what we might have done differently as what we sang offered its own consolation I hope — Restless is the heart until it comes to rest in you.

We began our change to our Autumn music today. It is odd to think that this may be the last year in which we sing this translation. I know there are versions fitted to the new translations for these current settings but I think some more thought is needed for how we will move forward. I need to factor this into the forward planning.

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