Wednesday, July 19, 2017

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

16 July 2017

Entrance Unless a grain
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 64 Some seed (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Parable (M D Ridge)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Whoever eats my flesh (mtgf)
Communion We have been told (David Haas)
Final Love divine

Perhaps because eI spent quite a bit of time in the previous week considering the translation of this psalm response, a new setting emerged. It was naughty in a couple of ways. I do a single leaflet for July and therefore there was different music for the response (how many noted this?). I also decided that the response would be a tone higher each time (the growing metaphor I presume). This was compromised by a different tone for the 3 line verse and not modulating - this meant it did not go too high.

The psalm response is not taken from the psalm, as is usually the case, but from Luke's Gospel. In this country we are used to the principle that the response is taken from the scripture (which is not a principle followed elsewhere). If the scripture version is changing how does this affect the response? One of the particular questions is why Luke? when the Gospel this Sunday is Matthew (it is the parallel text). Secondly the response is not a direct quotation but an adaptation because in Luke's account it does not just produce its crop but does s a hundredfold.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9 July 2017

Entrance I heard the voice of Jesus say
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 144 I will bless your name (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Like a child rests (Christopher Walker)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Come to me (mtgf)
Communion As the deer longs (Bob Hurd)
Final Forth in thy name

Sunday, July 2, 2017

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 July 2017

Entrance All are welcome
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 88 I will sing for ever (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Neither death nor life (mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Bless the Lord (mtgf)
Communion Centre of my life (Paul Inwood)
Final Will you come and follow me

Another go at the more streamlined setting of Romans 6. Looking back to 3 years ago I then noted it was 3 years since we had begun singing new settings (so now 6). I wondered then how long we might continue with the Missal Acclamations. My ambivalence to them continues: not convinced at an aesthetic level; recognising their functional success. Or to put it aonther way - people sing them and they do suit this period when we can be down to just singer on a Sunday.

A different matter — how does this Sunday's psalm fit in the Liruegy of the Word?

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

25 June 2017

Entrance All that is hidden
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 68 (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Neither death nor life (mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon I am the Good Shepherd (mtgf)
Communion Do not be afraid (David Haas)
Final He who would valiant be

One think you learn with a choir is that different people mark up their music in different ways - the circling of a difficult note, the reminder of a wider interval. I tend to only write on my on scores and note possible edits. Neither death nor life had a number of possible amendments to the text of the verses and this inspired taking it home and reqorking the text so that it was far more regular from verse to verse.

Psalm 68 is one of few times we get a psalm of lament on a Sunday - and it is a rare appearance.

The Body & Blood of the Lord

18 June 2017

Entrance My God and is thy table spread
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 147 O praise the Lord, Jerusalem (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Preparation of Gifts Love bade me welcome (Vaughan Williams)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Whoever eats my flesh (mtgf)
Communion Take and eat (Michael Joncas)
Final Alleluia, sing to Jesus