Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Most Holy Trinity

22 May 2016

Entrance God, whose almighty Word
Penitential Rite At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Gloria At the table of the Lord (Collegeville)
Psalm 8 How great is your name (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (Murray)
Profession of Faith Credo III
Preparation of Gifts Father in heaven (arr. Niles)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Nores (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Since you are children of God (mtgf)
Communion God beyond all names (Bernadette Farrell)
Final We praise you, O God (Jones)

I enjoy this change from the festivity of the Easter Season to our more simple Summer fare. We were unaccompanied which meant you could really hear the congregation singing. The last hymn might have been a risk but they seemed to remember it -it is a good melody. I think it may also have been the first time we have got the alternation right in Credo III.


15 May 2016

Entrance Come down, O love divine
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 103 Send forth, your spirit (mtgf)
Sequence Come Holy Spirit (chant arr. mtg)
Preparation of Gifts Spirit of God (Bernadette Farrell)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon They were all filled (mtgf)
Communion Spirit of God within me (Michael Joncas)
Final We have a gospel

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Ascension of the Lord

8 May 2016

Entrance Hail, O festival day (Vaughan Williams)
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 46 Our God goes up (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Christ the Glory (Lalouette)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Behold, I am with you always (mtgf)
Communion O rex gloriae (Marenzio)
Final Lord, you give the great commission

Given that I have often commented negatively on homilists and their inability to link what we hear from week to week I should praise our present celebrant who regularly refers back ( and forward) to help us see the long picture. Now I am not sure I wholly agree with him about the readings of the Easer Season - the working out the meaning of the risen Christ. I would prefer that the mean is worked through in the mystery of the Church - but that is a minor quibble.

We used the Ascension refrain for Hail, O festival day - but as noted last week the verses do not quite supply something direct - unless their is a version I have not come across.

Funeral of Des Cunningham

29 April 2016

Entrance Holy Virgin, by God's decree
Psalm 22 The Lord is my shepherd (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Paschal (chant)
Preparation of Gifts Ave Maria (Arcadelt)
Regina Caeli (Soriano)
Eucharistic Acclamations Missal
Lamb of God Agnus XVIII
Communion Ave Verum (Mozart)
Communion Be still for the presence of the Lord
Song of farewell May the choirs of angels (Sands)
Final Ave maris stella (College Hymn)

Des was a stalwart of the community. He had come to St Mary's in 1941 and most of the last 30 years and been sacristan. He had love of Lourdes which came out in the music choices. The whole choir was there which was a tribute to him and his family.

I was touched that his widow asked for In paradisum at the end - and meant May the choirs of angels. When we sang it i remembered the composer whose funeral was later the same day

6th Sunday of Easter

1 May 2016

Entrance Hail, O festival day (Vaughan Williams)
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 66 Let the peoples praise you, O God (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Let nothing trouble you (Bernadette Farrell)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon If you love me (mtgf)
Communion We have been told (David Haas)
Final Christ is made the sure foundation

The final hymn might have seemed a bit odd (we omitted To this temple) but I wanted to pick up somewhere the new Jerusalem of Revelation. Though I am beginning to get a sense of the readings of the Easter Season it is hard to give attention to each when they at first appear to be separate tracks. I have begun to wonder if there is even some pattern mirroring the Lenten readings.

5th Sunday of Easter

24 April 2016

Entrance Love is his word
Penitential Rite Lux et origo (mtgf)
Gloria Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Psalm 144 I will give you glory (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic (O'Carroll/Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom (Steven Janco)
Lamb of God Lux et origo (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon I am the true vine (mtgf)
Communion Love one another (mtg)
Final God is love, his the care

A week off from Hail, O festival day. Good as the melody is I am not sure the verses have enough - though they make strong connection between Spring and Easter.