Monday, August 15, 2011

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

14 August 2011

EntranceHail Queen of heaven
Penitential RiteSt Gabriels (mtgf)
GloriaAt the Table of the Lord (Collegeville Composers Group)
Psalm 44On your right stands the Queen (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (A G Murray)
Preparation of GiftsMagnificat (Bernadette Farrell)
Eucharistic AcclamationsMissal (ICEL)
Lamb of GodSt Gabriels (mtgf)
CommunionO holy Mary (Owen Alstott)
FinalTell out my soul

This week we down in numbers as both I and our accompanist were away. There was a pre-Olympic Cycle race which closed local streets. So a choir member reports:

Congregation were a little tentative at first but were clearly singing the Gloria and the Acclamations. We used two versions of the Magnificat (Farrell and Tell out my soul), but this seemed to be an appropriate response to the Gospel. It was something we knew and could sing unaccompanied, and somehow, 'Tell out my Soul' never quite feels like a Magnificat to me...

Meanwhile I was at the parish of Saint Jacques in Reims where Sunday Mass was for 20th Sunday. (Today, Monday, was the Assumption and a bank Holiday with large Mass in the Cathedral.) We had a cantor and an organist as well as congregation and priest who sang. Leaving aside a version of 'Make me a channel of your peace' with 'A new commandment' words. The two main things to note were a brief organ interlude after the Homily, which was effective (and also done at the Cathedral today) and there were baptisms after Mass and the infants with parents and god parents were brought to the Sanctuary after Communion and welcomed and the infants signed with the Cross. We then sang once through the Taizé Magnificat as both an acclamation and preparation for tomorrow. Otherwise it was done simply and well, in particular the disposition of ministers.

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