Sunday, July 17, 2011

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

17 July 2011

EntranceChrist is alive
Penitential RiteSt Gabriels (mtgf)
GloriaAt the Table of the Lord (Collegeville Composers Group)
Psalm 85O Lord, you are good and forgiving (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation (A G Murray)
Preparation of GiftsThere is a longing (Anne Quigley)
Eucharistic AcclamationsMissal (ICEL)
Lamb of GodSt Gabriels (mtgf)
CommunionAs seed for the sowing (Collegeville Composers Group)
FinalThe kingdom of God

It often seems to happen that we are unaccompanied on a Sunday soon after we begin new Mass parts. It can be a good text of whether they have 'settled' yet. Three weeks in we are not there yet. I think pieces do take a while unless they are exceptionally simple towards the banal. It does strike me that the style of music is, though not unfamiliar, definitely at one end of our range of style. I am also aware that in both settings the Congregation are invited to sing everything and so they are more engaged with less familiar words than they would be with a responsorial setting.

Sometimes I am aware and I am sure that I have noted that, particularly when unaccompanied, a less well known opening hymn can seem to disengage people but the congregation definitely did sing the opening (and closing) hymn and responded well to the Lord have mercy.

As there were just two singers I went for the familiar. Anne Quigley's There is a longing inspired by the second reading and a repeat of the Psallite communion antiphon from last week, though with different psalms verses.

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