Sunday, June 19, 2011

Most Holy Trinity

19 June 2011

EntranceFor God so loved the world (mtgf)
Penitential RiteSt Gabriels (mtgf)
GloriaGlory to God (Berthier)
Canticle - Daniel 3To you glory and praise (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationAlleluia (Murray)
Preparation of GiftsHymn of the Cherubim (Russian)
Eucharistic AcclamationsGathering (Paul Inwood)
Lamb of God (Berthier)
CommunionGod beyond all names (Bernadette Farrell)
FinalHoly God, we praise thy name

Today was a relatively normal Sunday. The accoutrements of Easter have gone. Usually like to make a complete change of Mass settings this Sunday - it may be a Solemnity, but it ain't Easter. Originally I had planned that we would be using new settings today, however we have a conference at the College next weekend and they will be coming to Sunday Mass so we will stick with settings the congregation are confident with for another week.

It seemed appropriate to repeat the Lenten Entrance song with a couple of Trinitarian verses as the refrain is drawn from today's Gospel.

Over the yearsI have noticed that this is supposed to be hard feast to preach on. Though in general clergy are good at taking the scripture as the focus on this feast it disappears and it is not as though the rest of the liturgy gets a look in even though in liturgy we are brought in to the life of the Trinity. I suspect that just as last week is about the Holy Spirit we are bound by themes and subjects rather than experience. By experience I do not mean shared emotions but celebrating liturgy is doing theology.

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