Monday, August 23, 2010

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

22 August 2010

EntranceAll are welcome (Marty Haugen)
Penitential RiteSt Gabriel (mtgf)
GloriaJeanne Jugan Gloria (Christopher Walker)
Psalm 116Go out to the whole world (mtgf)
Gospel AcclamationAlleluia (Murray)
Preparation of GiftsTravelling the road to freedom (John Bell)
Eucharistic AcclamationsNo Greater Love (Michael Joncas)
Lamb of GodSt Gabriel (mtgf)
CommunionThose who eat my flesh (Bob Hurd)
FinalTell out my soul

Size matters and sometimes small is more flexible than large. This often strikes me as we move through the summer. I am a firm believer that one reason that our congregation sings is that we sing every Sunday — it's what we do at Mass. We have an attitude of 'we never close'. I also realise that our smallness makes this easier. At any time one of might not be able to be there but we carry on, adapting if necessary. The two other factors are related and are about recognising the essentials. Firstly Mass repertoire is used consistently over a number of weeks so that, I hope, the congregation can sing it with confidence; secondly the key element of forward planning is the psalm which is always sung. Only occasionally is the Lectionary psalm replaced by another text and then it usually a common psalm.

Enough trumpeting. We sang once more Travelling the Road to freedom picking up the reference at the beginning of the Gospel to the road to Jerusalem which we began to follow a number of weeks back. Bob Hurd's song at communion reflected the antiphon and was written in part, so the composer's notes tell us, in reaction to those who are over precious/zealous about the use of Christ's words and forget the rich tradition of the Church. Amen.

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