Saturday, March 30, 2013

Maundy Thursday

28 March 2013

For God so loved the world

Penitential Rite
Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)

Mass of Wisdom (Steven

Psalm 115
The blessing cup (mtgf)

Gospel Acclamation
Lenten (mtgf)

Washing of the Feet
Faith, hope and love
(Christopher Walker)

Preparation of Gifts
Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)

Eucharistic Acclamations
Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)

Lamb of God
Remembrance (Marty Haugen)

Communion Antiphon
This is the Body (mtgf)
CommunionAve verum Corpus (Byrd)

Pange lingua (Ricky
Tantum ergo (chant)

Lay down your head (John Bell)
Stay with me (Taizé)
One of Baumstarck's rules of Comparative Liturgy was roughly - the older and more solemn the liturgy the less that is changed over time - hence the retention of the Solemn Intercessions on Good Friday when, until they were restored Post Council, they were not otherwise part of the ordinary liturgy. I am aware that it is possible to see a version of this law in action when it comes to choosing music for the Triduum. Tonight there are only two changes from last year - the Communion Antiphon follows our recent practice and in the crypt we reverted to John Bell's Easter Carol. There is, I believe, another aspect of the rule which is that there is a link between solemnity and memorability. The congregation really sang tonight and for some of them who may not have been regulars at either Sunday Masses they would not have sung these settings since last year. The uniqueness of the occasion may be better description than solemnity - in terms of what it is that engages people.
Look at my comments last year I see by some Freudian slip - or more likely over enthusiastic autocorrect:
singing the crypt is an awkward space - not that resonant and packed with people making it hard for the singers to find a palace where it is possible to make a cohort. (Note to self - try opposite piano by other door next year.)
Well this year we did try another place - as suggested. Actually we were also unaccompanied which was satisfying. We just two verses of Lay down your head - I always have a concern that we might have too much music and be overindulgent.

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