Sunday, December 11, 2016

3rd Sunday of Advent

11 December 2016

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie 'Orbis factor'
Psalm 145 Come, Lord (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (adp. mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Song of God among us (Huijbers)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Say to the faint of heart (mtgf)
Communion God has chosen me (Bernadette Farrell)
Final Benedictus (Alstott/Farrell

Saturday was Winter Graduations - so a number of us had given it our all at 4 ceremonies. So this morning was not too complicated. However as we have a couple of new singers and also a guest this morning - nothing is that simple. Though our musical/liturgical economy is based on repetition that possibly only makes sense in a year's time and however simple there is still just a lot of music to do

Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary

8 December 2016

Entrance The angel Gabriel
Penitential Rite St Gabriel (mtgf)
Gloria Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Psalm 97 Sing a new song (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of Gifts Angelus ad virginem (English 13th C. arr. mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion Alma redemptoris mater (Palestrina)
Final Tell out my soul

The College Patronal Feast - Mass followed by Meat Pie. No big changes, the psalm was a new setting and sung by the same student who sang the same psalm on Remembrance Sunday. The usual economies of repetitions are present - but to little avail when you have mostly a different set of sopranos - the vagaries of student life!

2nd Sunday of Advent

4 December 2016

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie 'Orbis factor'
Psalm 71 In his days (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (adp. mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts O comfort my people (Irish, arr. mtgf)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon Jerusalem arise (mtgf)
Communion On Jordan's bank (Monteverdi)
Final Come, thou long expected Jesus

I am always interested in the connection between gospel time and liturgical time. Rather the mismatch, we have these seasons, Advent, Lent & Easter, the latter two even have their length sanctioned by the gospel of 40 and 50 days, but the gospel accounts are sparse when it comes to that time. And so the Lectionary in the Easter season is filled with before and after, the last supper discourse of John and the Acts of the Apostles. It struck me this Sunday that I, at least on one level, have at times heard the gospels of John the Baptist as happening prior to the birth of Jesus rather than his baptism and mission. There is a half conscious memory of wondering why the images of John the Baptist and Jesus are not of a more adult John. It seems to me that the Lectionary is at least not refuting that impression. So, to my original point, the Gospel narratives of what happens prior to Jesus' birth are heard on the 4th Sunday. Now you may think that the prior Sundays are about 2nd coming, but John does not fit into that narrative. To steal a well known title by Raymond Brown John heralds an adult Christ at Christmas.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Carols by Candlelight

3 December 2016

Part 1 - Prepare a way for the Lord

EntranceYonder come day (Georgia Sea Islands Spiritual) 
Opening Responses 
ReadingIsaiah 40:1–5 The prophet Isaiah tells the people of Israel to prepare a way for the Lord
Choir There is a longing (Anne Quigley)
HymnO come, O come Emmanuel

Part 2 - Behold the virgin will conceive

ReadingLuke 1: 26-38 St Luke tells of the Incarnation of Jesus
ChoirAngelus ad Virginem (13th C English arr. mtgf)
CarolO little town of Bethlehem

Part 3 - Today is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord

ReadingLuke 2:1-14 St Luke tells of the birth of Jesus
ChoirNight of silence (Daniel Kantor)
CarolSilent Night

Part 4 - The Word was made flesh and lived among us

Reading1 John 1:1–4 St John reflects on the Incarnation
ChoirAlma redemptoris mater (Palestrina)
Lord's Prayer & Blessing 
CarolJoy to the world

For the last couple of years the carol service has been on a Saturday and connected with the SU Christmas fair. This year the connection seemed to be broken and so though the numbers were O they were not what it has been for previous years.

We have followed the same format for a number of years with a few tweaks. Angelus ad Virginem is part of an effort to find something Marian which the choir would enjoy and could be used when needed. I am not sure whether it achieved this. One of the stumbling blocks was the density of the Latin and I found myself preparing an English translation on Thursday night. Not ideal but I think it made it far more manageable - we could even consider the change of person within the verses. Our American students were particularly delighted to sing that classic 'Night of Silence'. Though I have touched on 'Christmas in Advent' before it struck me that both 'O little town' and 'Joy to the world' have a not quite yet flavour to them.

Mass for Fr Desmond Beirne cm

Monday 28 November 2016

Entrance Lord of all hopefulness
Psalm 22 The Lord is my shepherd (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Paschal Alleluia (chant)
Preparation of Gifts There is a longing (Anne Quigley)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Mass XVIII (chant)
Communion Good and faithful servant (Andrew Everson)
Final Ave maris stella

Fr Desmond Beirne was Principal from 1979-1992 and the last Vincentian Principal. He died in reland earlier in the year and this was the University's opportunity to pay tribute and pray for him.

A number of the University Choir were able to attend and that partly dictated some of the choices. It seemed an appropriate occasion to sing the 'College Hymn' at the end.

1st Sunday of Advent

27 November 2016

Entrance Longing, trusting (mtgf)
Penitential Rite Kyrie 'Orbis factor'
Psalm 121 I rejoiced (mtgf)
Gospel Acclamation Helmsley Alleluia (adp. mtgf)
Preparation of Gifts Zion hears the watchmen's voices (J S Bach)
Eucharistic Acclamations Creation (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God Advent (mtgf)
Communion Antiphon The Lord will bestow his bounty (mtgf)
Communion How far is the night (Huijbers)
Final Lo, he comes with clouds descending

And so back to the beginning. No big changes - the congregation now sings most o fteh Lamb of God rather than just repeat 'have mercy on us' etc. I think we have done 'Zion hears…' before but not in immediate memory. It is long enough without the closing chorale.